Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Babies = great birth control

Little known fact:

The best birth control is actually seeing people you love, who for most of your life were sans kiddos, now with children. I went home this weekend to spend a little time with the fam. My brother and sister-in-law came too. So did there two adorable baby boys. I mean they really are the cutest-wootest babies you have ever seen. Much cuter than any niece or nephew you might have, so don't even try it.

Unfortunately, having these babies around can really get that ol' maternal clock a tickin'.

I spent most of the weekend flip flopping back and forth from wanting a kid to not wanting one. I know. I KNOW, chirrens ain't like a new pair of shoes, but c'mon I'm impulsive by nature. Would you expect any less from me?

For example:

Dressing the baby in teeny tiny little clothes from Baby Gap - Oh me want one
Some sort of diaper leak that was likened to a "play-doh machine" - Oh take it back.

Cute little baby button noses - Aaaaaaw!
Being the designated booger snatcher from said nose - Aaaaaaw, hell na!

Hearing baby's first new words - Yeah, sign me up.
Understanding baby's first new words - Huh? Oh lord kid, spit it out.

Watching the little baby work up to his first smile - Gimme gimme gimme.
Watching the little baby work up his 78,952,344,087th tantrum - Not so much.

Caring, nuturing, life-giving mother to all - Preach it sister!
Not a drop of alcohol in two years - Not. Gonna. Happen.

In short, it's family weekends like these that make me realize I am no where near ready for babies. I love my two nephews so much, but I love saying Cheerio off you go back to Mum and Dad, even more.

As for those maternal instincts kickin' in? Maybe I'll get a puppy. Or a goldfish. Okay a plant. Ah, heck I'll just go buy a new pair of shoes.

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