Monday, December 19, 2005

If I'm going to live like a Rock Star I would at least like the Rock Star Salary

I have a mounting suspicion that doing four Irish Car Bombs in a row was not a good idea. That suspicion being the vomit on my bedroom floor.

Thank god for Febreeze and candles.

Just know this is the kind of thing that happens when Tweets works every weekend (yes, including Thanksgiving) since September. She gets out of practice. And she talks in third person.


gina said...

Well, has Tweets recovered? Does she get this weekend off? Her boss sucks! Is she at least having a little fun? Gina wants to know!

Single, Party of One said...

Oh for f-sake, Tweets! Tell those bastards you at LEAST want this weekend off. (am i allowed to curse on your blog by the way?)

I hope you get a holiday bonus that's more than "nice job, babe" by some sexist advertising f-face. and a raise- give this girl a RAISE, people! September? That's not even this QUARTER!!

Well, look who's full of holiday cheer!

Tweets said...

Yes, I finally got a weekend off. Apparently not a moment too soon. Bonus? Ha. I have a feeling it's going to be the Jelly of the Month variety.

Anonymous said...

i'm with ya girl. the first weekend i had off in 1700 years i proceeded to get drunk enough at a party to tell everyone that i was taking gentleman lover home and giving him a BJ then calling his mom to thank her for having him and allowing me to give me said BJ.
sista 4 life.
happy weekend off.
and, i'll light a candle and the memorial "please give those in need raises" altar in my office.