Monday, January 30, 2006

The Guessing Game

Guess what I got this weekend?


(Bonus: Guess how many minutes I wasted taking these pictures when I should have been rushing back to work?)

*who says being a cheerleader doesn't pay off later in life?

Guess what happens when it doesn't rain in your state for something like eleventy hundred days and then it suddenly does perhaps overwhelming your apartment complex's shoddy drainage system?

(Bonus: Guess who's glad she lives on the second floor?)

Guess who likey the red wine?

(the same answer works for guess who likes to drink while she posts?)


gina said...

Let's see....

An exciting mattress purchase. Or really exciting sex. I remember being young.

Um, 20 minutes. You need your job to pay off the mattresses. Or sex.

Your pool gets much bigger, thus giving you a chance to swim in another county.

You are, but by admitting that you live on the 2nd floor above the pool, you will have to someday share any hilarious photos of the goofy people who are out there EVERY DAY in the summer because they think they are sooo hot and want all of you to see. We want the artsy ones! I remember apartment life.

I am sure a lot of us can say a big MEEEE on that one.


V said...

I don't care how long those pictures of you jumping on the bed took...those are classic!

Tweets said...

Gina - sex? I wish. The Lover is officially 994 miles away at the moment. But 15 days from now, it's on. And the kinda crowd that rolls in at my apartmento complex won't be the kinds you'll want to see in a bathing suit in the summer.

V - seriously taking those pics was the most fun I've had in a long time! My dog had no idea what the hell i was doing.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA i LOVE those pics. classic. really. lauged the soymilk right out of my nose this morning. boy, tweets, you really know how to put on a show.